CONFERENCIA: "Eco-environmental data as an artistic methodology", OsloMet, Norway

I will present at the OsloMet (Norway), on April 20th at 12.30 hs, within the framework of the Erasmus + mobility Program, the conference entitled "Eco-environmental data as an artistic methodology". 

April 20th at 12.30 to 13.30.
Place: Pilestredet 32, Andrea Arntzens hus: N010.023, Lille Auditorium.

Many thanks to María Castellanos and Kristin Bergaust (FELT Future of Living Technologies Project) for their invitation and for making this mobility stay in Oslo possible.

Thanks also to the European University for facilitating, through the Erasmus + mobility programme, these much-needed exchanges in the field of teaching. 

El próximo 20 de Abril a las 12.30 hs presentaré en la OsloMet de Noruega, dentro del marco de Erasmus + mobility Program, la conferencia que lleva por título “Eco-environmental data as an artistic methodology”. 

April 20th at 12.30 to 13.30.
Place: Pilestredet 32, Andrea Arntzens hus: N010.023, Lille Auditorium.

Gracias a María Castellanos y a Kristin Bergaust (FELT Future of Living Technologies Project) por su invitación y por haber hecho posible esta estancia de movilidad en Oslo.

Mi agradecimiento también a la Universidad Europea por propiciar, mediante el programa Erasmus + mobility, estos intercambios tan necesarios en el ámbito docente. 


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