The focus of my artistic work is based on my interest in the city and the way in which human beings move, perceive and identify themselves in urban spaces, being this the epicenter of my initial projects, which have a marked sculptural character. Over the last twenty years, my approach has evolved towards a more personal language, exploring themes such as mobility maps, cognitive cartographies, imagined topographies and architectural prostheses that colonize everyday objects.

Thoughts on cartographic models have given way to an understanding of the body as landscape and topography. In other series, I have addressed the relationship between landscape, vegetal elements and the city-nature dialectic. My latest installations explore the visualization of complexity in the contemporary city, addressing issues such as mobility, connectivity between cities, polycentric urban systems, and datification based on urban profiles and environmental emergencies.

My artistic research has evolved towards an eco-environmental interest, focusing on evidencing environmental crisis situations in our environment, supported by scientific data. Recent lines of work include fragmented ecologies, the impact of the water footprint, spatial pollution, forest fires and planetary connectivity.

The formal essence of my work comes from a sculptural background that has developed naturally towards installation, the creation of specific projects and large-scale urban interventions. Experimentation with materials and biomaterials has marked a continuous curiosity, guided by experimentation and the expressive possibilities of matter. Craft fabrication has been complemented and expanded by recent techniques and possibilities of digital fabrication, allowing the exploration of new aesthetic solutions. The integration of technology in the installations expands the register of the work and encourages interaction with the spectator, where the use of light, audio and images contributes to generate an immersive experimental space.



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